NEU Strike Action – Tuesday 28th February
(Day 2 of proposed strike action)
As you are aware, the NEU have given notice of strike action which affects 4 school days in two months.
Due to staffing on the second strike day, Class 1, Class 3 AND Class 7 will NOT be open in school.
ALL other classes are OPEN in school that day.
Pupils in Class 1, 3 and 7 will be given work to do at home on this day.
These children will be expected to be in school all other days next week.
Further strike days are:
Wednesday 15th March
Thursday 16th March
Remember there can still be changes, including changes on the actual day. We will continue to update parents/carers as and when any changes occur – if any do.
Finally, thank you for your understanding during these testing times. We understand that this situation is not ideal for anyone. However, we are doing our best to support our community at this time.