Dear Parent/Carer,
Hope this letter finds you all safe and well.
Thank you to all those children who have been accessing our remote learning offer on Seesaw. It has been fantastic to see so many of you on there, engaging with your curriculum learning! We have been very impressed by the quality of some of the work too!
We understand that for some of you home learning has many challenges and we are sensitive to this. Different families will be tackling it in different ways and will be in very different circumstances. You can only do the best you can at this difficult time. We are here to support you as much as we can, so please talk to staff when they ‘check in’ with you.
We have attempted to ‘check in’ with all our families since the start of the lockdown. Where we have been unable to make contact, we will continue to try and make contact either by phone or a doorstep visit next week. Even though we may be currently closed to some of our children, we still have responsibility to keep in touch with you. Please look out for our calls and let my staff know how things are going and how we can help.
The remote learning offer on Seesaw is exactly what your child would be getting if they were in school, and staff are on there from 9am to 3pm every school day. There are teaching videos by our staff of activities such as daily phonics, and activities for all areas of the curriculum. It is really important that as much as you are able, you ensure that your child is accessing some of this offer each day. None of us know how long this lockdown will go on for and if your children is not currently accessing any of their learning along with everyone else, there is a huge risk they will fall behind. The teaching videos and activities can be accessed at any time of the day and on any day of the week. Our staff will provide verbal and / or written feedback and can answer and help any child should they get stuck.
Remember we are still open and all staff are in every day, so if you need to speak to any of us please contact the main office by phone.
Take care and stay safe,
D. Linacre
Mrs D Linacre