Here is a reminder regarding our remote learning offer.
Remote learning is available from Wednesday 6th January.
Outline of Remote Learning
- Seesaw is a free APP to download.
- Children will need to know their Seesaw log in details. Seesaw has been set up for each class and proved very effective for those that engaged over the last lockdown and bubble isolations. It is a way in which learning can be set and pupils and parents can have communication with each other. It also allows the teacher to record themselves teaching. Your child has been sent home with their log in details already and their class teacher has already providing weekly homework on this platform as well as used it in class.
- We will use Seesaw to communicate remote learning each day. This should be the first site your child has access to each day.
- Teaching staff will be teaching remotely from 9am each day on the Seesaw platform.
- The curriculum offer on Seesaw is the same as those in school and is closely linked to their usual curriculum and covers all subject areas.
- Teachers will provide a weekly timetable on Seesaw each week. It may then direct children to access a recorded tutorial, an instructional video or activities set out on Seesaw or other online platforms.
- Children can upload their daily work / activities onto Seesaw.
- Teaching staff will be able to see your child’s work and provide individual feedback.
- Children can send a message to their teacher on Seesaw should they have any questions or need support. Teaching will respond on their during the usual teaching hours between 9am and 3pm.
- Children will also have been sent home log in’s for other online platforms that we were using for weekly homework – Reading Plus (KS2), Sumdog, Times Table Rockstars etc.
- Class teachers will be monitoring pupil engagement in our remote learning offer and working with you to ensure your child is accessing it.
Please contact school directly if you require any further support in this matter.