Dear parents and carers,
This week is an important one for us all – and particularly so for your children – as we take the first tentative steps backs to normality after a very challenging year. As all children return to their classrooms, I want to acknowledge the excellent work that ELT staff have done throughout the pandemic to ensure that pupils have access to learning and remain safe. They’ve done an amazing job in very trying circumstances and made a selfless contribution to the communities we serve.
I also want to thank you for the support you’ve offered your children and our colleagues. You’ve ensured that children have access to learning by either ensuring that they attend well or participate fully in remote learning. You’ve supported staff when we’ve needed to implement measures to keep your children safe. You’ve been patient when we have unavoidably needed to send pupils home because a coronavirus infection has affected their class bubble. Overwhelmingly, you’ve helped support children’s learning by abiding by lockdown restrictions and helping to limit the spread of COVID 19.
Throughout the pandemic attendance at ELT schools has been around 30% above national average and in the first two days of this week almost 97% of pupils were at school. Thanks for all this, and more. But we’re not out of the woods yet. The government roadmap charts a cautious route out of the crisis, and we need your support in continuing to implement lockdown measures for a little while longer. Please continue to stay socially distanced and wear face coverings on school premises and follow the guidelines more generally when out and about in the community. We will continue to follow Government guidelines precisely and implement robust risk assessments that are designed to protect children, staff and the wider community. Where we have concerns, we will keep you informed and should a coronavirus infection occur, we’ll revert to a remote learning offer as children need to self-isolate.
Finally, I’d like to offer a word of optimism. The early signs are that the pandemic has not had a catastrophic impact on most pupils’ achievement. They’ve missed some important learning and missed out on some important aspects school life. Mostly, they’ve missed the daily interaction with their friends and teachers that makes such a vital contribution to personal development. In each of the ELT academies, staff have clear plans to help children to reconnect with their learning and begin to make rapid progress. The excellent work that pupils have done both at home and at school during this past year will prove a solid foundation upon which we can build.
Thanks again.
Yours sincerely,
Darren Holmes.
Chief Executive Officer
The Enquire Learning Trust