From Reception onwards children receive daily, systematic, discrete phonic teaching sessions. We follow the ‘Sounds Write’ Phonic Programme. This is a highly structuredcumulative, sequential, explicit and code-oriented instructional programme for teaching all children to read and spell. The programme focuses on three key skills:

  • Segmenting
  • Blending
  • Phoneme manipulation

And 4 key concepts:

  • Letters are used to spell individual sounds. (Symbols for the sounds we make). What sound do you say for this?
  • Each sound may be written in more than one way.
  • Many sounds may be written in more than one way.
  • Many spelling represent more than one sound.

This programme is introduced in YR, taught in KS1 and fine-tuned throughout the rest of Key Stage 2. Due to COVID children in both Year 3 and 4 also receive daily 'Sounds Write' session in order to support them to catch-up where needed.

Sounds Write's website can be found here:

Please also see the link below that takes you to a FREE parent / carer course / video explaining 'Sounds Write' and how to help your child read and write at home.