Thursday 16th July 2020
Dear Children,
I hope you are all well? Since the sudden lockdown of our school I have been wondering how you are all doing and missing our time in school together.
Many of you have been doing our home learning on ‘Seesaw’ and it has been amazing to see all the fantastic things you have been doing at home. You should be very proud of yourselves.
School is strange at the moment as some of you are in and some of you are still at home. We are looking forward to the time when we are all back together in September!
Some of you may be very excited about coming back to school and some of you may be feeling anxious and worried. We have not seen some of you for a very long time! All the teachers will do their very best at school to try and make you feel good about coming back in. Every morning we will ‘greet you’ with a smile and ‘check in’ to see how you are feeling.
In September you will see some things in school that are still the same but some things will have changed a little. These changes have been made to keep everyone safe. Due to COVID19 we now all wash our hands or hand sanitise when we enter the school. We do this lots of times throughout the day as well as before we go home.
Everyone is in a ‘class bubble’ with their teachers. At the moment class bubbles cannot mix. This means that you will have your ‘playtime’ and ‘lunchtime’ all to yourself with your class and no one else.
Your classroom will look very much the same. You will however each have your own pencil case with things that you use a lot, like a pencil and ruler. You can keep this in your own drawer and get it out when you need it.
When you come to school in September you will need:
- To wear your school uniform
- Your book bag for your new reading book
- A water bottle
In the summer break we are having a new school library built – in it will be a treehouse! A treehouse that you can climb and read inside! It is very exciting and we all cannot wait to see what it will look like. Mrs Seymour and I have also been to Drake’s Bookshop in Stockton and bought lots of new books for the new library that we know you will all love! We hope this is something you will look forward to seeing when we all get back.
We are all very excited about you all coming back into school and cannot wait to catch up with you and find out what you have been up to. Try not to worry and enjoy the rest of your summer break with your family.
If you would like to send me an email to let me know how you are or ask any questions, please email me at: contact@eastersideacademy.co.uk
I will reply back to you as soon as I can.
See you in September!
Mrs Linacre