Tuesday 2nd June 2020


School Partial Re-Opening Update


Dear Parent/Carer,


We now have the names of the children that we will be welcoming back from the 8th June in our first intake of nursery, reception, Year 1 pupils and 6 pupils the following week. Please check previous communication for exact dates.

Bubble Families

Their class teacher should have contacted parents through Marvellous Me to let them know which adult will be leading their child’s ‘bubble family’. Unfortunately not all children are able to be with their class teacher as groups need to be no more than 15 pupils. Where a child is not with their class teacher, we have put another familiar adult – their class teaching assistant.


When you bring and collect your child from their family bubble, please be reminded of the staggered start and finish times.

Start Times:

Children with surnames A-L to arrive between 8:45 and 9:00.

Children with surnames M-Z between 9:00 and 9:15.


Pick Up Times:

Children with surnames A-L to leave between 2:45 and 3:00.

Children with surnames M-Z between 3:00 – 3:15.

If you have children with different surnames then just pick either time to arrive – it’s more important that things are staggered than the exact grouping.


ONLY ONE ADULT should bring children to school and pick up. This is to reduce the number of people on site over this period of time. We understand that some of you may have other children that you will need to bring along with you.


MEDICATION – if your child has medication / an inhaler, please bring to the main office labelled. Any child with asthma will only be allowed to remain in school with a current inhaler.


Social Distancing

Social distancing procedures are in place around the school building. Please keep to these where possible and be mindful of others coming in and out of our gates onto the site. We have signs up to remind everyone as well as markings on the floor at entrances and exits to support queuing.

NO PARENT/CARERS are allowed in the building currently.

If you need to speak to a member of staff, please call the main office.


Critical Keyworker Group

From Monday 8th June the keyworker group provision will be moved to the KS2 hall. Parents / carers will therefore need to bring their child to the hall entrance off the KS2 yard each morning – not the main entrance.


School Dinners

From 8th June, meal charges will be reinstated for all pupils that are not eligible for a free school meal or universal infant free school meal; this includes for children of critical/key workers. The price of a meal remains at £2.20 per day.

You can of course opt to send your child with a packed lunch from that date if you prefer.

Free school meals - including vouchers - will remain available for eligible pupils that are required to stay at home during this pandemic. If your child is educated in one of the year groups identified to return to school, and you choose not to send your child, then they will not be entitled to a free school meal or voucher.


Behaviour Policy

As we welcome more pupils into school from next week, we have reviewed and made changes to our behaviour policy in light of COVID 19. This includes changes to our procedures for ‘reflection’ and ‘time and space’ ensuring we are observing social distancing; as well as sanctions being given for pupils not following social distancing procedures within school that could put others at risk.

A copy of the policy can be found on the academy’s website under ‘Important Information’ and ‘Policies’.  

As a school we will be constantly reviewing our provision and procedures, and the Trust will be carefully monitoring the National and Regional picture. A review of the situation will be carried out two weeks after partial re-opening where we hope to allow a second intake of pupils to return. If any parent with pupils in the specific year groups (nursery/reception/Y1/Y6) would like their child to come back at a later date, they should contact the school’s main office.


We are looking forward to welcoming back the children that are joining us shortly! 

Best Wishes,

D. Linacre

Mrs D Linacre
