The PE Curriculum

The PE curriculum at Easterside Academy aims to develop children’s ability to excel in a broad range of physical activities including dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety. These activities are not exclusive and opportunities to participate in less usual activities are also given, such as: wheelchair basketball, Boccia and Kurling.

All pupils have a minimum of two hours of PE timetabled each week. PE offers children a combination of physical education, physical activity and competitive sports. Our curriculum ensures children are able to sustain physical activity for a period-of-time and encourages children to engage in competitive sports and activities. The curriculum meets all the expectations of the National Curriculum and goes beyond when and where possible. It sets out to be both fully inclusive, yet challenging. As an academy we have chosen to use the PE Scheme ‘Get Set 4 PE’ to support with teaching and learning, as well as assessment.

The content and sequencing of the curriculum has been carefully thought about so that pupils build upon prior learning, make connections and confidently develop their knowledge, skills and techniques for a range of different physical activities and sports. The curriculum is a progressive model so that by learning and practising the content pupils will make good progress as they move through the school from Early Years to Year 6.

In Early Years the curriculum focuses on children’s physical development, teaching and developing the fundamental skills of movement, balance, coordination, flexibility and agility. All Nursery children participate in a 10 week ‘funky feet’ programme and all reception children in weekly ‘Yoga Bugs’ sessions that support our PE curriculum, and are delivered through the use of familiar stories. 

In Key Stage 1, children will further develop these fundamental skills and begin to apply them in a range of sporting activities. They are given the opportunity to perform individually and with others and are encouraged to co-operate in competitive physical challenges.

In Key Stage 2, children develop and build upon previously taught knowledge, skills and techniques to use them in a variety of ways. It is here where children become increasingly more involved in competitive sports, modified where appropriate, and apply other taught principles such as attacking, defending and teamwork. Children are encouraged to identify where improvements to performance can be made and how to evaluate and recognise their own and others achievements. Key Stage 2 children are also given the opportunity to participate in outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming. Our aim is for all pupils to leave Easterside Academy being able to swim a minimum of 25m. All children are given the opportunity to participate in competitive sport through our calendar of intra events. The academy also regularly participates in competitive sport outside of school.

Our aim is for all pupils to participate and enjoy physical education as well as understanding the benefits that being active can have on their physical and mental health in order for them to lead healthy, active lifestyles now and in the future. At Easterside Academy emotional and mental wellbeing is greatly enhanced by our sport and ‘active learning’. This is central to both our curriculum and extra-curricular provision, as we know this is hugely beneficial to our children. We believe strongly in the pedagogy of P.E. and the Spirit of the Games - School Games Values. These values permeate through our entire curriculum and in everything, we do:




The academy works hard to engage its pupils in sports and physical activities outside of school. This is achieved through providing a range of after school clubs throughout the year, as well as promoting and signing posting parents and pupils to local sports clubs. Sporting achievement both within and outside of school is regularly celebrated in assemblies.

As an academy we are lucky to have two indoor halls, two playgrounds, a ball court and extensive fields for sport. We are also within walking distance of The Middlesbrough Sports Village and take full advantage of this when and where we can.

We are an ‘active’ school and are part of the Tees Valley Active Schools Partnership. Children are encouraged to be active during break and lunchtimes. 

The academy is very proud to hold the ‘School Games Gold Award’.

Active Learning

Keeping our children 'active' is at the heart of our school ethos and curriculum. We recognise the benefits being regularly active has on their health and future, and weave it through all areas of the curriculum and the structure of the school day. At break and lunch times we have a huge focus on 'play' and our children have a wide variety of activities they can engage in, with children from all year groups. 


PE Outcomes

Updated: 23/06/2020 425 KB



PE in Early Years

PE Skills Progression

PE Progression Year 1

PE Progression Year 2

PE Progression Year 3

PE Progression Year 4

PE Progression Year 5

PE Progression Year 6