A school council is a representative group of pupils elected by their peers to represent their views and raise issues with the senior managers and governors of their school. The school council can also take forward initiatives and projects on behalf of their peers, and be involved in strategic planning and processes such as the Academy Development Plan and staff appointments.

School councils can help children to:

  • Enjoy and feel empowered by their education;
  • Feel that their school responds to their needs;
  • Have the opportunity to let adults know their feelings and opinions about things that affect them;
  • Have a say about decisions, and to play an active role in making their school a better place;
  • Develop active life skills through participating.

At Easterside Academy the School Council is made up of two elected representatives from each year group, from Year 2 upwards. The Year 2 representatives also visit Reception and Year 1 classes to act as their voice.

We see our School Councillors as holding very responsible positions. A Councillor is someone who sits on the council.

It is their job to:

  • Attend meetings regularly.
  • Talk to people they represent and feedback their views to the council.
  • Make suggestions for change or improvement.
  • Have ideas to share with the council.
  • Take on a particular task and get things done.
  • Meet with the school Governors at least twice a year.


At Easterside Academy our Eco Warriors are two children representing each class (Year 2 upwards) in the school.

They work hard to ensure that we continue to achieve the Eco School award ‘Green Flag’.

This involves continuing to achieve various goals such as composting, recycling, and saving energy.


Please click on the link to visit the Eco-schools website.

Hear from our school Eco-Warriors below!

World Ocean Day

As a school we have been celebrating ‘World Ocean Day’ by raising the awareness of the importance of the oceans.

Chanel: The Ocean is the heart of our planet. Like your heart pumping blood to every part of your body, the ocean connects people across the Earth, no matter where we live. The ocean regulates the climate; feeds millions of people every year; produces oxygen; is the home to an incredible array of wildlife; provides us with important medicines and so much more!

Leah: In order to ensure the health and safety of our communities and future generations, it’s important that we take responsibility to care for the ocean as it cares for us.

Bethany: As you can see the oceans are truly magnificent and it is our job to take care of them. This year the theme is Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet, and we’re making a special effort to stop plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is a serious threat because it degrades very slowly, polluting waterways for a very long time. In addition, plastic pollution impacts the health of aquatic animals because they mistake the plastic for food.

Aaron: An estimated 80% of the plastic waste in the ocean comes from people on land – carried out to the ocean by rivers, streams, and the wind. Plastic trash chokes and kills animals like sea turtles, whales and sea birds. Plastics floating in the ocean are ‘sponges’ for concentrated toxins.

Jessica: The problem is serious, but solvable..

The solution starts with you!

Reducing the plastic we use and discard is the first step to stopping this. Together we can have a positive impact, reducing the amount of plastic trash in our seas.

As a school we have made promises to help save our oceans. These are displayed in school as a reminder.