Our OPAL Team
Curricular Leads for Play - Mrs D Linacre / Mrs C Thomas / Miss R Smith / Mrs T Sharp
Play Coordinators - Mrs J Groves / Mrs L Swales
Play Leads - All lunchtime supervisors and TAs
OPAL Champion Governor - Mr D Elliott
Caretaker - Mr P Brown
It has been long recognised that play is fundamental to a child's health and happiness, development and wellbeing.
Research has shown that children spend 20% of their time in school playing. As a school, we have reflected upon this and with our 'active' ethos, made purposeful steps to improving our break and lunchtimes for children. Our School Council, with the voice of all our pupils, secured funding to enable us to engage with OPAL, and so our journey began in 2022/23.
The OPAL vision is that "every child in every school has an amazing hour of high quality play every day" and as a school we share this vision and recognise the enormous benefits play has on a child's life.
Keep an eye on this page to see how our journey unfolds ....
In the meantime we need the help of our parents and the community .....
OPAL Resources - Help
If you would like to find out more, please go to:-